Welcome to the online home of
Sexologist, Jallen Rix, Ed.D., ACS
Here’s where you’ll find my work, writings, consultations, and
appearances. Feel free to explore, check out some videos, and
reach out to me so we can have the opportunity to meet face-to-face.
I look forward to connecting with you. Remember, the world is a
better place when all Sexual Beings have the opportunity to
experience deep satisfaction – including you!

Dr. Rix on Sexplinations with Dr. Doe Podcast
Dr. Lindsey Doe was a student of mine in grad school and she has now become quite the Youtube and podcast personality. It was fun and an honor to be on her show. Check ti out!...

Salt Lake City: Here I come…
Does your sexuality feel “never good enough”? Are you afraid if people really knew what you’d love to do sexuality, they would reject you? Is sex just not as fun as it used to be? Are you “too much in your head” to be your uniquely sexy self? Are you too...

New York City: Here I come again!
That's right! I had such a great time last summer, I'm bringing back to the Big Apple my innovative "West Coast" approach to healthy sexuality, from May 31 to June 10, 2019. Please enjoy and take advantage of my particular set of skills from private consultations, to...

The Experienced Touch Workshop
An afternoon workshop for men who enjoy touch to connect more authentically with other men. February 16, 2020, 1pm, Cathedral City, CA I often hear from those who want more touch, “…But Doc, I don’t know how to touch.” Too many of us are so afraid of doing touch...

First-time Sex Questions
Hello there friends! I am in the process of writing my next book, which will be about sexual health and I will, upon occasion, want to poll ANONYMOUSLY a few people about some very basic questions. This time, I'm wondering about how you look back on your...

New York City: I want you to have great sex!
Does your sexuality feel “never good enough”? Are you afraid if people really knew what you’d love to do sexuality, they would reject you? Is sex just not as fun as it used to be? Are you “too much in your head” to be your uniquely sexy self? Are you too...

Lewd & Lascivious Free for the Viewing…
My dissertation gone documentary is now available for you to view for free. What an honor it is to make this little-known historic event available for everyone to see. There's also a short "behind the scenes" video too! Check out the pivotal event in San Francisco and...

A Circle of Touch
I am standing naked next to a friend who is also naked laying face down on a massage table. Standing on the other side of the table is another naked friend and the two of us have all four of our hands lightly resting on the back of the one who is on the table. I...

Phoenix Behind Fences
I am sitting bundled up and “goggled up” in the middle of a dust storm in the middle of the night (Query: Do I call a dust storm in the black of night a white out?). The sensory deprivation is so severe that it begins to toy with my mind. I start to doubt what is up...

Ecstatic Dance returns to Palm Springs
It's been great to team up with Barry Reccio and Urban Yoga to bring Ecstatic Dance once again to the Palm Springs area. Check out the fun and eclectic mix I DJed in March: https://www.mixcloud.com/jallenrix/jump-up-dance-party-urban-yoga-e-dance-0318/ We...
Reach out / Stay in Touch…
Please let me know how I can support you in your personal sexual health.
Also, I regularly make appearances, facilitate workshops and teach retreats. If you would like to be notified about new opportunities I offer, let me know where to send the email (this is a private list that is never bought or sold).