Do you crave more intimacy than Grindr, Scruff, and Tumblr provide?

Do you receive enough intimacy?
Does all that time on the computer create more isolation than connection?
Are you more lonely in your everyday life than you would like to be?
Do you feel as if you lack the skills to deeply connect with another person?
Does the thought of connecting face-to-face with another person generate stress, anxiety, and fear of failure?
Do you feel trapped behind your computer reaching out to men, but missing the fullness of touch or connection with your whole body and personhood?
Isn't there an App for that???
The Internet has enabled connection with others around the world more so than any other time in history. Yet, isolation and depression are at an all time high. Certainly nothing can replace the hold of a real hand, receiving a genuine hug, an erotic touch, or the healing that comes from a nurturing massage. Sometimes the very devices that are suppose to help us connect more, end up trapping us further in our isolation.
You can break out of that trap by joining Dr. Rix and other like-hearted men for a weekend retreat that celebrates the amazing dynamics that generate intimacy for yourself and those around you. Intimacy is a state of being that you can access if you know and develop the tools to enjoy it. Over the weekend, you will:
Submerge yourself in an accepting and nurturing set of men exploring touch and erotic energy to maximize connection, strength, and confidence.
Develop skills to give and receive the art of intimacy in your everyday interactions.
Expose hidden obstacles that keep you from thoroughly enjoying deep connectedness.
Discover, experiment, and play with the many pleasures found in high levels of intimacy.
Acquire the strategies and tools to develop the connection you crave long after the weekend.
Receive your much-needed fill of intimacy from an accepting and compassionate group of brothers exploring the same experience as you.
Whether in longtime relationships or connecting erotically with someone for the first time, intimacy is the magic that makes your connections richly satisfying. Dr. Rix will give you plenty of secrets and skills to maximize “the magic” in every connection! Participate in sexy group exercises, fun and lively socializing, vulnerable sharing, interactive facilitation, meaningful rituals, and a few pleasant surprises — all of which will bring about a rich, satisfying and open-hearted intimacy.
Although electronic devices will be put away during sessions, this will not be an “internet-bashing” weekend. Quite the contrary. Time will be devoted to understanding how our tech can improve or decay our intimacy. Together we will amplify your connections and improve the experience you’re already having online. You will come away from the weekend ready to use your tools (the internet being just one of them) to enjoy your intimacy rather than your tools taking you away from it.
Join us on this ground-breaking adventure into the inner workings of intimacy and how you can use it more effectively. Don’t just search google for the head-knowledge. Get the full-body experience of enjoying the many layered and luxurious sensuality found with other men. Build your erotic intimacy with us!
The weekend is an interactive teaching skills experience. Not only will you learn with your mind but with your body too. Different kinds of consensual touch will be enjoyed – platonic, sensual and sexual. Most of the weekend is clothing optional, and everyone participates only as much as they are comfortable. No one is required to do anything they are not comfortable doing.
Sex educator, author and activist Jallen Rix holds a Doctorate of Education in Sexology from Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, where he is a Professor. He maintains a private practice in Palm Springs CA, which includes personal consulting, sacred intimacy work, and surrogate-style partner experiences. He has appeared on talk shows, like Our America with Lisa Ling on Oprah’s OWN Channel, and ABC’s News Magazine 20/20.
He is a leading expert on the damaging effects of ex-gay ministries and so-call “reparative therapy.” His book, Ex-Gay No Way: Survival and Recovery from Religious Abuse, was nominated as best non-fiction books of 2010 by the Lambda Literary Foundation. His film, Lewd & Lascivious: The 1965 Police Raid on California Hall premiered to sold out crowds at Frameline 2013, San Francisco’s LGBTQ film festival, and won the AASECT Media Award for 2014. His latest project is a solo-performance piece that has so far graced stages in California and Seattle, called, Stake In The Ground: Celebrating the Intersection of Self-pleasuring and Self-compassion.
Feel free to contact Jallen with any questions…