Welcome to the online home of
Sexologist, Jallen Rix, Ed.D., ACS
Here’s where you’ll find my work, writings, consultations, and
appearances. Feel free to explore, check out some videos, and
reach out to me so we can have the opportunity to meet face-to-face.
I look forward to connecting with you. Remember, the world is a
better place when all Sexual Beings have the opportunity to
experience deep satisfaction – including you!
Today I Turn 50
Reach out / Stay in Touch... Please let me know how I can support you in your personal sexual health. Also, I regularly make appearances, facilitate workshops and teach retreats. If you would like to be notified about new opportunities I offer, let me know...
Common Features of Religious Abuse (and the Ex-Gay Movement)
The most important discovery I made in my research* and understanding of my recovery process from my ex-gay experience had to do with the way “ministries” like this function. Briefly put, it is nothing new. In fact, the movement is a microcosm of a larger,...

Does the Media Unknowingly “Enable” The Ex-Gay Movement?
Text Version: As a queer activist, and an ex-gay survivor, I have gotten pretty frustrated with how the media tends to handle the ex-gay topic. What amazes me is that most of them seem to do the same old thing over and over. Mind you, every person I have...
Eau de Authentic
Text Version: Recently at the gym, fresh out of the locker room shower came a gentleman who might be described as a man from the old country – and I mean no disrespect by this. He grumbled a heavy accent. When he groomed himself before the mirror, he...
Straight Supremacy? We will not be assimilated.
Text Version: Hi. I’m Dr. Jallen Rix and this is my first video blog. “You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile!” Those words I was just playing with are from probably one of the most memorable Star Trek Villains, “The Borg.” And they’re a perfect villain of...
Reach out / Stay in Touch…
Please let me know how I can support you in your personal sexual health.
Also, I regularly make appearances, facilitate workshops and teach retreats. If you would like to be notified about new opportunities I offer, let me know where to send the email (this is a private list that is never bought or sold).