Welcome to the online home of
Sexologist, Jallen Rix, Ed.D., ACS

Here’s where you’ll find my work, writings, consultations, and
appearances. Feel free to explore, check out some videos, and
reach out to me so we can have the opportunity to meet face-to-face.
I look forward to connecting with you. Remember, the world is a
better place when all Sexual Beings have the opportunity to
experience deep satisfaction – including you! 


Stories of my Father, R.I.P.

A number of friends have asked me what I said about my father at his memorial on Oct.7th 2016, and after telling them a number of times, I decided to put it online. So grab a hankie and I hope you like! Originally published October 14, 2016 Reach out /...

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The Love of My Aunt Darlene

Reach out / Stay in Touch... Please let me know how I can support you in your personal sexual health. Also, I regularly make appearances, facilitate workshops and teach retreats. If you would like to be notified about new opportunities I offer, let me know...

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Published on Jan 24, 2015 To my best friend, Jay Williams on his 55th birthday. We've known each other around 28 years! (gulp!) Thank you for your friendship, acceptance, and everything! Reach out / Stay in Touch... Please let me know how I can support you...

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