receive the touch you love to give...
Maximizing M2M Pleasure
An afternoon workshop for men who want to connect with men.
Facilitated by: Sexologist, Dr. Jallen Rix And by: Success Coach and Massage Healer, Mark Hollenstein
Do you sometimes find sex confusing, complicated or difficult?
Do you find yourself stuck or frustrated in your sex life?
Do you feel isolated behind a computer reaching out to men, but not touching or connecting with your whole body and personhood?
Do you want to feel more sexually confident?
Do you desire to open yourself to greater sensual possibilities?
Let us help you:
Break through long-held beliefs that keep you locked in unconscious shame.
Learn healing techniques to release negative emotions that hold back your sexual freedom.
Experiment with options to fulfill more of your sexual desires.
Receive and give intentional, arousing touch with respect for your personal boundaries
Build a stronger “sex-esteem!”
At Max M2M explore your unique sexuality with other men in a safe and nurturing environment. Participate in sexy group exercises, honest sharing, lively facilitation and a few fun surprises, to more fully experience a rich, satisfying and open-hearted sex life.
“This workshop touched both my heart and my libido in ways I did not expect. While it was not the first time I’ve been in a room full of naked men in a sexually charged situation, it was the first time I’ve felt such a deep connection and respect for our common history and paths. I left with my heart a bit softer and my libido recharged.” — Tim, Los Angeles
“Attending the M2M Workshop was a wonderful opportunity to peel back the layers and connect with other men in a safe, relaxed and non-threatening way. Learning that we share many of the same issues, regardless of our age, race or background, helped to bring us together and build a stronger community with deeper connections.” — Eric, San Francisco
“This workshop was one of the most intimate experiences with other men that I have ever had. It allowed for a look into myself–at my preconceptions, my beliefs, my fears, and desires. It truly was a life-changing day. And it was a blast on top of it!” — Tom, San Francisco
Here’s a few questions that get asked about the workshop all the time… along with our answers, too. If you have more questions, please do contact us…

Q. Who is this workshop for? A. This workshop is for you! It is designed for any self-identified male who wants to more fully enjoy their sensual connection with other men. We have had men attend who are in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s, (80’s, anyone?). These men are of different ethnicities. We have had monogamous couples attend together; guys in open and poly relationships attend individually, single guys who want to build relationships, and guys who just want to have fun. Men of all shapes and sizes have enjoyed this experience together. Since sexuality can reflect just how diverse humanity can be, we have purposefully created the day for just about any kind of man that likes men.
Q. What if I don’t want to take my clothes off? A. You don’t have to! We will not make you do anything beyond your own boundaries. You can count of everyone respecting wherever you draw your lines of consent. This workshop is just like Aretha Franklin–It’s all about: RESPECT! Because of this safe environment, the workshop allows participants to stretch yourselves a little–experimenting by going a bit beyond your current comfort zone. That’s what experimenting is all about, but the bottom line is you will ALWAYS be in complete control of what you chose to do.
Q. I don’t know, this seems like a tall order to fit into just an afternoon. A. Well you got us there, the one-day workshop is a stand-alone experience. It’s an opportunity to grow and change and take some skills home to use in your life. However, the workshop is also a condensed version of a weekend intensive retreat that we want to expand on soon. We have found that once participants get started and they see how beneficial this process can be, they keep going and want more. Without tooting our own horns, lots of wonderful experiences can result when just an afternoon is spent discovering the potential of your sexual freedom. Give it a try! You have nothing to lose but old ways of being that no longer serve you.
Q. What if this opens up all kinds of issues for me? A. We have been leading workshops and retreats for over 2 decades. We are skilled and trained to support you in the moment as your experience unfolds. Additionally, we have immediate resources to offer you in finding the best way to take care of yourself. Furthermore, we are often available the day after a workshop to make appointments individually if you want some face-to-face time with either of us.